DHCR has issued the CPI and HUD/FMR numbers to be used by owners regarding Good Cause Eviction (“GCE”).
The DHCR publication can be found at: Good Cause Eviction Law Required DHCR Notice (May 2024).
The CPI figure relates to the present permissible rent increase (the lesser of CPI + 5%. or 10%). The CPI number is 3.82%. Therefore, the GCE number is 8.82%.
The HUD figures relate to the present potential exemption from GCE (245 % above HUD/FMR). To determine the applicable amount consult the chart via county and apartment size. In all counties of NYC, 245 percent of FMR is listed on DHCR’S chart as:
Efficiency | 1 Bedroom | 2 Bedroom | 3 Bedroom | 4 Bedroom |
$ 5,846.00 | $ 6,005.00 | $ 6,742.00 | $ 8,413.00 | $ 9,065.00 |
Many questions still are in need of answers. As answers are derived, BBG shall keep you posted!