BBG News

Midtown South Mixed-Use Plan — REZONING

Jan 30, 2025

On January 21, 2025 the City announced the start of the public review process for the Midtown South Mixed-Use Plan (the “Plan”). The Plan proposes to rezone 42 blocks of Midtown South.

The four affected areas are centered around Herald and Greeley Squares and located roughly between West 23rd and West 40th Streets and 5th and 8th Avenues (map of affected areas below).

Map from NYC Department of City Planning

The Mayor’s Office estimates that the Plan will deliver approximately 9,700 new homes by updating the zoning of these areas to allow a mix of commercial, manufacturing and residential uses where housing is not currently permitted.  The Plan proposes to permit new housing through mixed-use zoning districts, map Mandatory Inclusionary Housing to create permanently income-restricted affordable homes, and allow for live-work opportunities.

In accordance with the City of Yes zoning text, the Plan proposes high density R11 and R12 zoning districts, which would allow for residential projects with FARs of 15 and 18. Additionally, the Plan proposes new M1-8A and M1-9A districts with FARs of 12 and 18, respectively, creating more opportunities for manufacturing and commercial uses.

The Plan will now undergo the land use public review process (ULURP), before it goes to a final vote before the City Council.

Contact Us

Reach out to your BBG attorney of record or contact us here for assistance in advising and counseling property owners on the Plan, including how the proposal may affect their development, conversion, and investment opportunities.

Written by:  Ron Mandel, Partner, Land Use and Zoning Department and Zachary C. Rozycki, Law Clerk

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